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Horse Items For Sale or Trade

Engraved silver bit is still available.

Silver Bridle & Breastcollar Set
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Full Horse Size
Loaded with Silver!
Matching Silver Bit Included
Matching Headstall, Reins, Breastcollar

       This set includes a nice low port 5" mouth show bit, with engraved silver lightning-bolt cheeks which are an ideal match for the big silver bars on the headstall and breastcollar. The browband is especially flattering with its "V-crown" design.

       The silver centerpiece on the breastcollar is nice and large, and even the tugstraps have engraved silver buckles with matching silver keepers and tips.

       This set is beautifully trimmed, and is a good show outfit offered for a 4-H price!

This entire set is new, one only, as shown.

Complete set: $125.
Bridle & Breastcollar without Bit: $85

Engraved Silver Bit alone: $45
Offers considered.

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